ee-4g-storeEE has triumphed in the latest round of testing by independent analytics firm RootMetrics in London.

EE achieved an overall score of 92.2 out of 100 to rank as the top mobile phone provider in the city and was placed either first or joint first in four out of the five categories that were assessed.

Over 88,500 on-the-ground samples were collected by RootMetrics, which were the first samples to be collected since the four major operators began providing 4G services in the city.  O2 achieved an overall score of 88.5 and Three achieved 87.5; Vodafone was placed last with a score of 86.  Tests were carried out on mobile internet, calls and text messaging, with speed and reliability measured across these services.

EE and Three tied for top place in the reliability category, with EE taking top place when it came to mobile internet.  4G speeds for O2 and Vodafone were found to be comparable.  When it comes to call performance, three companies ‒ including EE ‒ shared top place, edging Vodafone out.  EE also took first place in the text messaging category, narrowly beating O2 in second place.

A similar study a short time ago also placed Vodafone at the bottom of the list.  This attracted criticism from Vodafone, which claimed that the testing system was biased; however, RootMetrics has refuted this, saying that connection is a key factor as great speeds are useless if the connection cannot be made.